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Amy really cares about each person she meets and that’s is the number one reason to choose her as your Nutritionist. She listens more than she talks. She’s always learning and expanding her knowledge. I highly recommend letting her help you meet your goals.

​​​​​​​By Jami​​​​​​​

Amy provided me with some nutrition goals and supplements. Although I am terrible at doing what she advised, it was extremely clear that she is an expert in her field with detailed knowledge. Also, she is so happy and positive that you just can’t help but enjoy working with her. I highly recommend her!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Brent​​​​​​​

I took advantage of Amy’s services to analyze my diet and see if she could give me any suggestions for changing my diet to address hunger cravings and energy issues through the day. Both issues were causing unhealthy snacking. Her analysis was very thorough and her suggestions were spot on. I am still following her suggestions nearly two years later. I would definitely recommend her services.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Ian​​​​​​​

My wife and I have worked with Amy in the past on creating a plan to eat healthier. By using her plan we were both able to drop some unwanted pounds and have kept the weight off. I have recommended her to 4 other people who have all had the same experience. Based on our experience as well as others that have worked with Amy I would highly recommend her.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Nick​​​​​​​

As someone who lives with a chronic immune system disorder, Amy has provided nutritional counseling and natural supplements to boost my energy and improve my overall health. Her gentle and compassionate nature brings an extra measure of support. Amy’s knowledge and innovative methods for healing have provided me with results and assurance for a more healthy future.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Sibyl​​​​​​​

Amy and Megan are wonderful! Their approach to nutrition is refreshing. I know I can send my clients to Living Well and they will be taken care of.​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​By Amy​​​​​​​

My husband and I followed Amy’s nutrition advice and were both thrilled with the results. I no longer have seasonal allergies after changing the way I eat. It was Amy’s encouragement and advice that helped us stick with the plan, even four months after starting. I have already recommended Amy to my friends and family.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Jaimee​​​​​​​

I just wanted to let you know that the 20-day rejuvenation program has been instrumental in helping me regain stability with my system so I can enjoy eating again. For the past 3 years I’ve been popping Pepcid like candy and it seemed like everything I ate gave me a lot of discomfort.

The 20-day program helped eliminate the irritation and I enjoy eating again. I’ve been off the program for 3 weeks and even as I experiment with foods that used to be particularly troublesome, I don’t have any digestive problems.

And as a side benefit, I have more energy, sleep better, and I’m losing weight. Thanks so much for helping me get on track again.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Pat​​​​​​​

After some surgery this year my body had changed and I was gaining weight and it was extremely frustrating since I hadn’t eaten any differently. I knew it was time to do something. I knew many friends had been helped by Amy so I gave her 20 day Cleanse a try. She told me “I had been feeding my body but not fueling it” I had got into a habit of eating fast food and it was showing. The cleanse worked a miracle I lost 11 pounds and I feel great! Amy supported me and answered all my questions. It reset my body to burn fat rather than store it. I have changed my eating habits and that will stay with me forever. I am so grateful for Amy Richardson, thank you. I highly recommend you speak to her to see if she can turn your life around too.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Tracy​​​​​​​

I started working with Living Well Nutrition in March of 2012. I immediately recognized Amy and Meghan’s dedication and passion for helping people live their best life, and found that support incredibly valuable. I came to Amy for help with my migraines. I have struggled with headaches my whole life, but more recently have endured serious migraines in the past year. I always thought I knew everything there was to know about food and nutrients. I had already maintained a weight loss of about 20 pounds when I came to see Amy and Meghan. The 20 day rejuvenation plan was truly life changing for me. I had no idea that the supposed “healthy” foods I was eating regularly, were actually doing a number on my blood sugar, hence the frequent headaches and migraines. The plan helped me get back on track with my eating, and lose the last 8 pounds of baby weight I had been hanging on to. Even more important than that, I am completely headache free. I have tried many “diets” over the years, and this plan is not a diet but a way of life. The support from Amy and Meghan was an invaluable component to the program as well. I plan to keep in touch with them as I continue on with my health journey.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Molly​​​​​​​

I am 47 years old and finally decided to commit to a 10 day detox cleanse. I have known Amy for several years and was very motivated by her most recent presentation on nutrition. I have never been good at dieting, let alone a 10 day detoxification. I was excited to get started. At my initial visit, Amy did several measurements including my weight and body fat percentage. My goal was to lose a few pounds, but primarily to give my body a break from coffee, alcohol, sweets and breads & pastas. I was given a detailed schedule of what I could eat and what supplements to take each day which made it easy to stay on track. I was also given a list of many, many food options and even several recipes to mix it up. Day 2 was probably the hardest (my body had been reliant on too much caffeine and I had a headache for most of the day) but days 3 and 4 of liquids only, were much less challenging than I thought they would be. It was actually a fun challenge! Towards the end of the cleanse I could feel a significant difference with my energy level and my waistline. I was also waking up each morning and felt energized without the need for coffee. On the 10th day I was excited to see Amy again and review my results. She asked many questions and was genuinely interested in my experience. In 10 days I lost 6 pounds, 1% of body fat, and ½ inch to a full inch on all of my measurements! I also felt so much healthier and lighter. This has been a wonderful learning experience for me. It has been 3 weeks since I completed the cleanse and I have made several changes in my food and beverage intake to stay healthier and maintain my weight. If you’ve never done this type of cleanse I would strongly recommend trying it out – we can all learn something new to help us live a happier and healthier life!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By SS​​​​​​​

For the last five years I have watched my beautiful, talented, active daughter fight with depression. The more medical and psychological we got for her, the worse she seemed to get. She had to quit school because she could not concentrate and has not been able to hold a job for lack of focus. In recent months, her only activity has been from her bed to the couch and back again. Her mood had become very augmentative and abusive. She had cut off ties with family and friends and would not even answer her phone.

I suspected Candida overgrowth because of a severe kidney infection she got her first year of college. The antibiotics wiped out her normal intestinal flora and she got very sick from this as well. I never suspected her favorite foods were probably causing this overgrowth to continue and poisoning her. In the last two years she has gained over 50 pounds and went from a fairly healthy, picky eater to a person who ate as if every meal was her last.

Six weeks ago, she finally admitted she had a problem and agreed to see Amy to help her with her nutrition. I know she was apprehensive about the commitment this would require and struggled with having to give up everything she loved to eat so I told her I would do the program with her so she would not feel like she was suffering alone.

We started the program on a Monday and by Wednesday I could already see an improvement in her mood and energy level. I was thrilled at how she embraced the routine immediately (I admit I also had my doubts to her commitment). She writes in her book several times a day as she records her food and supplement intake. She has been searching the internet and cookbooks to modify recipes to help her enjoy her food and records them in her book as well.

We are now two and a half weeks in to the cleanse portion of the program and it is like a different person has moved into our house- actually, my daughter from five years ago. She has connected with family again, is pleasant to talk to and be with again, has started making “to do” lists again and following through with them, is able to concentrate better, her memory has greatly improved and she is exercising again! The atmosphere in our home has made a complete 180. Where 3 weeks ago there was constant tension, there is laughing and real conversation.
I had hoped and prayed a change in her nutrition would bring even a little improvement, but I did not expect such a dramatic change for the better. I am grateful for such a relatively simple fix and very upset I spent so much time and energy trying to “fix” her with medication. I’m sure she will still have some effects of depression to deal with in the future, but I am convinced by keeping her nutrition and metabolism in check, the episodes will not be as severe or debilitating. I am so thankful she is getting her life back!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Anonymous​​​​​​​

I have been seeing Amy for about 8 months and absolutely love her. As I started my weight loss journey, I realized I was failing because there was so much clutter in my life, both reality and internally. Amy helped me find balance which helped me have the confidence I need to not only improve my health but to improve my life. There is no judgement from her and she truly cares about her clients.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Tina Mead​​​​​​​

I have been working with Megan for about 6 weeks now, I worked with her on the 5 week program. I came to her failing at getting control of my weight, I had no energy, no motivation. During the 5 weeks I lost 15 lbs and started feeling better than I have in years. She is wonderful, she taught me how to eat better and has taught me to retake control.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Amy Maestas​​​​​​​

I just had my first appointment with Amy and I just about raced home to leave this review because it was the first time someone has ever truly tried to understand my health journey. Amy treats the whole person and works really hard to create a plan that's customized to YOU. She was extremely thorough, warm, and kind, and I couldn't feel more confident to have her working with me to improve my physical and mental health.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Brit L.​​​​​​​

I have been seeing Megan for over 2 years, and she is such a supportive advocate for me! She is an accountability partner and has gone well beyond her title of dietician. I consider her more of a "life coach" as I ebb and flow through mental health challenges that impact my food choices and overall wellness. She is willing and patient to listen, ask me questions that lead me to my own answers, and validate my journey. Whenever I leave, I am validated, empowered and feel that I have a plan in moving forward. I would highly recommend Megan Magee at Living Well!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​By Dana Lott​​​​​​​